Why Your Influencer Branding Matters? What You Need to Know

Image result for Social media influencer websiteUnlike in the past when marketing was influenced mainly through word-of-mouth sale pitches and commercials run on TV and Radio Stations geared toward enhancing brand visibility. Today, due to virtual reality of the internet, brand marketing has gone beyond the traditional medium of face-to-face sales pitch and TV/radio commercials though these mediums still account for about 30% of purchasing decisions and brand loyalty according to a survey carried out by eMarketer. Today’s market is dominated by social media marketing and this is the reason why your influencer branding matters if you are desirous of giving your brand the high visibility it needs to drive up sales.

The advent of the internet has created new relationship model of cyber-digital interaction. Almost everyone with a computer or smartphone devices are online browsing through stuffs, engaging in social media discussions and chats or generally just surfing the web for items of interest. This trend has made the internet, particularly the social media platforms to be a veritable medium of influencing brand visibility and enhancing sales.

Various researches conducted on the role of the social media in influencing buying decisions of customers and consumers have shown that approximately 70% of such decisions are influenced by social media marketing and branding. A research from one of the major social media platform Twitter revealed that 49% of people who made purchase decisions sort guidance from social media influencers. Now to fully understand why your influencer branding matters, we must first understand what a social media influencer is all about.

Social Media Influencer

The term social media influencer relates to someone who, for various reasons such as their personality, writing style or high visibility on one or multiple social media platform, has a certain degree of influence over others and can guide their decision on various subjects. Influencers pitch or remarks about a particular product or brand parks lot of weight on their followers because their views and opinions are highly respected by those who follow them. It is for this reason that brands seek out people of influence like movie stars, football stars, popular and respected experts, music stars, and high rated TV personalities to market or issue out positive reviews about their products and brands. These could be in the form of tweets, commentaries or picture posts validating a particular brand’s product.

Why Your Influencer branding Matters

Your influencer branding is imperative because influencing your brand through social media influencers or via a social media influencing strategy companies helps in extending the reaches of your brand; giving your brand a high level of positive visibility. By working with social media influencers to create contents supporting your brand or make posts and tweets that validates your brand, you shoot up interest in your brand among their followers who will become intrigued on knowing more about your brand and finding out why persons they respect are talking about it. This approach is known as the message laser-targeting strategy.

For example, you can partner with various social media influencers to start and trend a hash-tag about your company, brand or brand tagline. This strategy has made twitter, instagram, and Facebook to become one of the most influencing social media platforms on the internet.

Another reason why your influencer branding matters is, you can boost the credibility of your brand through the posting of your influencer’s messages and contents about your brand on your own website and social media channels. This strategy goes a long way in directing traffic to your website and social media channels which helps in exposing your brand to new customers.

Creating Series of Facebook Ads

When you create or your influencer creates series of catchy Facebook Ads about your brand or product and share them on their timeline or even incorporate them into their tweets and posts, you enhance the visibility of the Ads to reach more audience. The more people see your Ads, the more interest it will generate in them to want to visit your website and page. With increased mileage to your site, your branding gets more interested customers and this translates to an increase in business revenue for you.

Going further, you can recruit the services of an influencer or multiple influencers to participate in a content you share like having notable influencers participate in a video you made and having them also share it on their blogs, blog post, social media post, tweets, and YouTube video. This strategy is very effective in making the video content – for example – go viral and get millions of views. It also directs traffic to your website or page.

By leveraging on an influencers following to give visibility to your brand and contents, you tremendously grow your customer base and increase sales and request for your services.

Finding the Right Social Media Influencer for your Brand Campaigns

Now we know why your influencer branding matters to the growth of your business and brand, but it is also very important to know how to recruit the right influencer for your social media campaigns. When you want to hire a social media influencer, here are some tips you need to consider before engaging the influencer:

Follower Base of the Influencer

What is the strength of the influencers’ follower base? Is it big enough for the kind of visibility you want for your brand? It is important you find answers to these questions by checking out the influencer’s page or social media accounts to access their follower base.

Contents of the Influencer

What kind of contents does the influencer post or tweet? Are their contents and what they have gained popularity for in sync with the message you are trying to pass? If they are not in sync with your message, can you still use the contrast to boost your campaign? For example, engaging an influencer noted for having strong views against abortion to validate an abortion brand might be anti-productive but could also be a big boost for the abortion brand if well managed and structured.


How interactive are the posts and tweets of the influencers? Do their posts and tweets generate discussions on the issues? Are they able to make their followers change strongly held views about a topic or subject? Knowing how engaging a social media influencer is and how easily that influencer can change the notions of their followers is imperative before recruiting any influencer for your campaigns.

Who are your Target Audiences?

For any marketing strategy to be successful, you must first know your target audience. Knowing your target audience helps you streamline your content and message to appeal to them. An Ad for things of interest for senior citizens will not be of interest to youths or teens because they won’t be able to relate with the message. So it is always advisable to know your target audience even before picking out influencers to hire because the knowledge will help you in picking the right kind of influencer, and also in crafting your content to appeal to your targeted audience.


Having a social media influencer matters a lot to your brand growth because it helps in creating visibility for your brand. It also helps in building customer’s trust in your brand. When influential persons trusted by a particular community are seen to be validating your brand, their followers are subtly guided to develop trust for your brand also and start their own promotional validation of your brand through reposts, re-tweets, and favourable comments regarding your brand. The fact that everyone is talking about your brand drives up interest in your product and boost your business. It is for these reasons and others that it is imperative that you engage the services of an influencer to promote your brand through campaigns, video content posts, tweets, blog posts, Facebook posts, Ads campaigns, and social media commentaries.

#eMarket Stories



Inspector Owen shook his head. “There’s no need for that. They all clicked. You were with your cousin, Clinton at the Club and it was true. You left by past four, and got home by a few minutes after five and that was when you saw Mrs. Forrest and you called for help as soon as possible. All of these were verified.”
We both breathed, deep, big signs of relief. His innocence was as important to me, as it was for him. I don’t know what I would do if he were guilty. I squeezed Aslem’s hand.
“I was only doing my job.” He explained. It was as close to an apology as we could get.
“We understand.” Aslem said. I was in agreement. Johnny was waiting somewhere near the landing stairs. He had a better sleep, the night before so he looked better.
“So, about helping me,” he looked earnestly at both of us. “Is there any strange behavior any of you might have noticed in the deceased?”
I was quick to answer. “No inspector, my mother was perfectly okay.”
“Are you sure about that?”
“Yes. She was not dysfunctional in any way to me,”
He whipped out a pen and a writing pad. The professional pose, was intimidating. “Are you going to investigate me too?” I asked.

He chuckled, still writing. “Wouldn’t you make a grand murderer?”. I didn’t find it funny.
He turned to Aslem, I turned to him too. “What about you sir? Did you notice anything?”
Aslem looked at me, then the inspector and back to me. .”Officer, what is this about? Did you find anything?”
The inspector turned to me, “please, can you excuse us?”
Aslem looked uncomfortable, like he knew something I did not. “I am sorry officer, but I am not going anywhere. This is my mother we are talking about here. If there’s anything going on with her investigation, I deserve to know.”
Inspector Owen shrugged, helplessly. “If you insist.”
“I do insist,” was my reply
Aslem, scratched the back of his ear. I saw him from the corner of my left eye.
“We have some evidence to believe that your mother was heavily abusing drugs at the time of her death.”
My mind went black, completely blank like a switch went off in my brain. In a moment, the switch came back and I was gaping at the cop.

My mind went back to the first time mother had caught me with some pot. A girl in school had asked me to try it. Mum had sat down with me and asked me to smoke it in front of her. Of course, I didn’t. Then she told me, “whatever it is, that you have to hide from me, or be a fugitive for, is not worth it.”
It hadn’t stopped me from trying it, but it had taught me to say no, more times than I ever said yes, it had taught me, to be her friend. “This is crazy.”
Inspector Owen shrugged again. “That is what the report says. At first, we didn’t believe it, and we sent the results back again. It came back, still positive. Your mother had some methamphetamine in her system.”
That hit me like a wedge in my stomach. “How?!” I screamed in shock. “I don’t get you Inspector. What the hell are you talking about?”
“You said you wanted to stay and hear.”
I brushed aside his sarcastic remark with a wave of my hand. “For how long had this been going on?”
He gave another of his halfhearted shrugs, which was now beginning to chaff on my nerves. “Test results do not tell that. It could have been her first time, it could have been going on for years… You choose. We also found out she had a lover, but tracing him have proved elusive. He is like a ghost.”

An unexplainable headache seized me. It felt like my head would burst into pieces. I had no idea, no inkling. What was my mother, lying hypocrite? Who was my mother, a sociopath? What was she taking drugs for? For how long had she been battling depression? She had been cheating? These and a thousand more questions swirled through my head.
“Officer, is it possible that perhaps her death was not a suicide?” I asked hopefully.

Copyright @Kitanaa 2017
Wait for it. More Stories coming

Don’t Define Beauty By Looks Alone ~ Eagle Eye

Don’t define me by the way I looks or the clothes I wears. My beauty is far greater than what meets the eye. Look at my heart & the river of love that flows from within me. Adore me for being the warrior of God, I am. Fall in love with my soul & I will guide you to understand the sacred ways of my heart.

~ Eagle Eye

Stories of the heart